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Writer's pictureRobert Manzanilla

We Live a Life of Luxury Compared to Our Ancestors

It's a well-known fact that the world has changed dramatically over the past few centuries. With technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs, we now enjoy a standard of living that was once reserved only for royalty. Even the richest of the past could not have imagined the comfort and convenience we experience on a daily basis. Most of the hundred billion individual human beings who have ever existed have been deprived of these amenities, making our modern era akin to a comparison between the Stone Age and the Space Age (The Flintstones vs The Jetsons).

We Live a Life of Luxury Compared to Our Ancestors, Robert Manzanilla

Let's take a look at some of the ways in which we live a life of luxury compared to our ancestors:

Clean Water and Plumbing:

Clean drinking water and basic sanitation were not always readily available to the masses in the past. Plumbing (beginning in 4000 BCE) was a luxury only enjoyed by the wealthy, and many people still had to rely on wells and outhouses for their daily needs. Today, even the poor in America (for the most part) have access to clean water and modern plumbing, including flushing toilets.

Modern Medicine and Science:

Medical advances have saved billions of lives and improved the quality of life for billions more. From vaccines to organ transplants, we have access to treatments and procedures that were once thought impossible. Science has also given us a better understanding of the world around us, leading to new technologies and innovations that continue to improve our lives.

Access to the Collective Intelligence of the Human Race:

In our modern world, we now have the ability to tap into the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of humanity through technology. With the advent of the internet and digital devices, we have access to a vast array of resources and knowledge, from academic journals to encyclopedias to social media platforms. Through the power of technology, we can learn from the collective experiences and insights of countless individuals, from all walks of life, from all corners of the earth. We can answer most of the questions that have baffled our human race for millennia. This has dramatically expanded our understanding of ourselves, our world and the universe, and has given us the ability to solve problems, collaborate with others, and continue to evolve as a species.

Robert Manzanilla

Instant Communication Across the Globe:

In the past, communication was slow and limited. Letters took weeks or even months to arrive, and long-distance communication was often unreliable. In the past, civilizations, cultures, and societies were largely isolated from one another. They were separated by geographical barriers such as oceans, mountains, and deserts, and by linguistic, cultural, and ideological differences. This meant that there was limited interaction between different groups of people, and little exchange of ideas, goods, and knowledge. This lack of connection often led to a lack of understanding and mistrust between different cultures, and was a major factor in the conflicts and wars that plagued the world throughout history. In contrast, today's globalized society allows for much greater interaction and cooperation between cultures, leading to a greater understanding and appreciation of the diverse ways of life that exist on our planet. We can send messages and make calls to anyone, anywhere in the world, in real-time. Bridging cultural and linguistic divides has opened new opportunities for growth and development.

In conclusion, we live in a world of incredible luxury and convenience compared to our ancestors. From access to clean water and modern medicine, to the collective intelligence of the human race, we have it all. So the next time you find yourself feeling down or frustrated, take a moment to appreciate how good we really have it. We truly live a much higher standard of living than any king of the past, and that's something to be grateful for.

None of us got to choose to be born in this age of wonder, we're just lucky.

Think about that and don't let the little things in life get you down.


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