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Betty Manzanilla in the Multiverse


As I stand before this remarkable collection of paintings, I am awestruck by the surreal nature of each portrait depicting the inimitable subject, my beloved wife Betty Manzanilla. It is as if each painting is a portal into a different reality, a multiverse of possibilities that exist within her being. In one, she is depicted as a celestial, radiating an otherworldly beauty that could only be described as divine. In another, she is a futuristic cyberpunk, surrounded in tech. And yet in another, she is a simple farm girl, tending to the land with the grace and elegance of a true naturalist.

Each portrait tells a story, a chapter in the life of a woman who is at once familiar and yet somehow different with each passing moment.

This collection of paintings is more than just a series of portraits, it is a tribute to the beauty and complexity of the human experience. It reminds us that we are all multiverses in our own right, constantly evolving and changing with each passing day. And while we may never fully understand the full extent of our own complexity, we can take solace

in the fact that there are those who are able to capture a glimpse of it through art.

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